- Administrative
- Agency
- Agriculture
- Anti-Trust
- Arbitration and Mediation
- Banking and Finance
- Bankruptcy / lnsolvency and Creditors Rights
- Business Reorganizations
- Business transactions
- Compliance with Trade Regulations
- Commercial Property
- Company
- Competition
- Construction
- Complex and General Litigation
- Commercial
- Civil Litigation
- Debt Recovery
- Defamation
- Domestic and International Tax Planning
- Entertainment, European Union
- Environment
- Extradition
- E-commerce
- Employee Benefits
- Employment
- Family
- Food and Drugs
- Financial Restructurings and workouts
- Foreign Investment in Greece
- House Purchase / Conveyance
- Health Care Matters
- Insurance
- Intellectual Property
- International
- Investment and Financial Services
- Import/Export
- Labor Relations
- Licensing and Franchising
- Motion Pictures
- Mortgages / Hypothecs
- Matrimonial
- Μergers and Acquisitions
- Oil and Gas / Energy
- Project Finance
- Partnerships
- Personal Injury
- Pharmaceutical
- Planning
- Recording Industry
- Real Estate Purchase
- Structuring of International
- Television and Literary Properties
- Telecommunications
- Τax - Company
- Τax - International
- Τax - Investigations
- Τax - Personal
- Technology
- Transport
- Trusts
- Wills and Probate
- White Collar Criminal matters